Dukinfield Bridge

Stayley Bridge

Stayley Hall

Hyde Hall - Hyde

Dukinfield Hall

Fairfield Moravian Settlement

History Alive - Tameside Local History Forum

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St George's Church, Church St, Hyde

St George's Church, Church St, Hyde have received a very generous grant from English Heritage towards a new slate roof, which will not only keep the Church dry but add to its heritage, especially when looking up from Great Norbury Street. The Church opened in 1832 followed by the tower in 1834 and has undergone many internal changes since then but not lost its strong, outward, appearance. Its peal of bells and rare Joyce of Whitchurch clock (under restoration) remain, and visitors will hopefully be able to view these at Heritage Open Day on Saturday the 8th September, starting at 9.00am.

Further fundraising is now underway and the survey will soon be taking place.The Vicar is running Donate-A-Slate and concerts have been organised. So watch out for more details around town or in the papers or go to www.stgeorgeschurchhyde.co.uk

photographs courtesy of Mike Berrell


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