Royal Visit
Royal Visit to Old Chapel 3rd July 2007
Members of the Forum were invited to a very special event today. Old Chapel, Dukinfield celebrated their Tercentenary with a special service where H.R.H. the Earl of Wessex KG KCVO had been invited to unveil a plaque.

Dukinfield Unitarians were delighted when they were visited by The Earl Wessex KC KCVO on Tuesday 3 July as part of their celebrations to recognise 300th anniversary of the first dissenting chapel on Chapel Hill, Dukinfield. The Earl with the Lord Lieutenant and the Sheriff of Greater Manchester, and his wife, participated in a service led by the Rev Dr Vernon Marshall during which Janet Ford, Chapel Warden and Chair of Trustees, Dawn Buckle gave two readings outlining the history of the Chapel from 1707 to the present day. Organist, Barry Shaw, a children’s choir from three local primary schools and young people from the Old Chapel Sunday school provided music during the service. The choir sang the hymn ‘Father, lead me day by day’ written by the Rev John Page Hopps who ministered at Dukinfield from 1863-69. The congregation sang lustily, ‘Together now we join as one’ by the Rev Cliff Reed, which outlines the tenets of the Unitarian faith, and ‘There’s a chapel on the hilltop’ written by the late C William Pugh, specifically for the congregation and sung to the tune Blaenwern. At the close of the service Prince Edward unveiled a plaque commemorating the first chapel on the site.
He then spent sometime in the school hall viewing an exhibition of the chapel history, accompanied by Dawn Buckle, and meeting with officers, members and young people of the congregation, and guests who included GA President the Rev Celia Midgley, Vice President Joyce Ashworth, members of the Executive Committee, officers of the East Cheshire Union and North West Provincial Assembly, the Mayor of Tameside and local councillors. The Earl expressed interest in the dissenting tradition, the way the GA was organised and the children’s work in Sunday school. His friendly and attentive manner charmed everyone.
After signing the visitors’ book and being presented with two books on Unitarianism written by the present minister and the Minister Emeritus the Rev Dr David Doel, the Earl took his leave. After which, friends and visitors were treated to a sumptuous buffet.
Altogether a delightful occasion.
Dawn Buckle
July 2007